Version 1.0.18 (23 July 2020)

Meridix Platform API Documentation

In addition to the docs, we've included code examples, hints, and explanations to help you get started.

The LiveID API uses the REST (REpresentational State Transfer) style with XML responses.


1. Register your email address with Meridix, then return here and apply to the Meridix Developer Program.
2. Check LiveID (the organization or team) participation. LiveIDs can choose one of three sets of permissions:

        OPEN - which means anyone can access any data in their LiveID (recommended, default)
        RESTRICTED - which means the LiveID will only let certain "approved" developers access their data
        CLOSED - which means that the LiveID will not let any of their data be accessed via the API

Check any LiveID Here      

3. Verify that your platform is enabled for sending and receiving XML, and parsing it. For example, we would recommend using PHP with cURL enabled. However, since the API responds with XML, you can use virtually any language or platform that can handle XML responses, such as JavaScript, ASP.NET, Java, C, and many others.

Calling The API

Each time you make a call to the API, you use additional resources. So, the first rule is to construct your code in such a way that you get all the data you need, but you use as few separate requests as you possibly can. Another strategy to help with this is caching, but we'll talk about that at a later time.

First, create a function that you can use which will contain all of your common information, as well as a uniform way that your application or website can connect to the API. For a PHP website, we've created the following include file MakeLiveIDAPICall.php with the MakeLiveIDAPICall function inside of it:


function MakeLiveIDAPICall($query_string)

///// Initialize Your Implementation Variables
$meridixid "M0000000000";
$base "";

$url "$base?meridixid=$meridixid&api_key=$api_key&$query_string";

///// Initialize Your cURL Session
$session curl_init($url);

///// cURL options are listed at
///// This option tells cURL not to return the headers, but to return the response
///// This option, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER is set to true, cURL stores the response as a variable instead of echoing it.
///// This tells cURL to use HTTP POST

//send request
$response curl_exec($session);

//close session

//this is the response(xml)
return $response;



Now that you've got your MakeLiveIDAPICall.php file saved, you can now include it in any php file where you'll be making a call to the API. See this simple example:


//More verbose error reporting, it may help for debugging

//ini_set("display_errors", 1);

//Include the API call function we created earlier

//This array holds one or more parameters, as required by each particular method
$params = array(
'method' => "news.headlines",
'liveid' => "Meridix",
'max'   => "15",

foreach (
$params as $k => $v) { 
$query_string .= "$k=" urlencode($v) . "&";

$xml MakeLiveIDAPICall($query_string);
$response simplexml_load_string($xml);

if (
$response->{'status'} == "OK")

////// If the API call was successful, place code here to handle the response

foreach ($response->element as $element)

$liveid $response->{'liveid'};
$eventid $element->eventid;
$event_type $element->event_type;

////// Code for handling each instance (an event, a schedule, etc) of data inside the foreach



//Some sort of error occurred
print $response->{'method'};


Error Handling

If you do happen to encounter any errors, an error response will be returned. Here is an example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<time>9/1/2009 11:51:59 PM UTC</time>
<error_reason>You specified an incorrect request method.</error_reason>

Testing and Debugging

You can use our API XML response testing utility by clicking here. It will display all returned XML from parameters you supply.

Methods and API Documentation

Each API XML response is wrapped in a tag called liveid_response, and will always have the method, status, time, and meridixid information available.

Important Note: The developer meridixid and api_key must always be submitted with every API request.

Available LiveID Methods

Events, Scores, Results






Other Methods Coming Soon
Have a suggested method? Let our developers know

Calls Using Multiple LiveIDs

For those methods which allow more than one LiveID to be specified, use comma delimited format with no spaces for the liveid parameter, such as liveid=MyLiveID1,MyLiveID2,MyLiveID3,MyLiveID4. There is a limit of 20 LiveIDs per API call.
Returns information on any live event currently active within one or more LiveIDs.
  • liveid - Required.  This is the LiveID from which you are requesting the live event information.  Example:   MyLiveID1 or MyLiveID1,MyLiveID2,MyLiveID3
Example Response
View a live example response using the API Testing Utility.


Returns full information about archives within a particular LiveID or set of LiveIDs, including ability to filter by various conditions, as well as implement automatic paging. Maximum events returned in a single call is 1000. If you have a larger set of archives, implement filtering as needed.
  • liveid - Required.  This is the LiveID from which you are requesting the archived event information.  Example:   MyLiveID1 or MyLiveID1,MyLiveID2,MyLiveID3
  • page_number - Optional.  Implements optional paging mechanism for returned results, and this specifies the desired page number of results being displayed.  If implemented, must be used with the records_per_page parameter.   Example:   2
  • records_per_page - Optional.  Displays the number of results returned per page, if implemented.  Must be used in conjunction with page_number parameter.   Example:  25
  • event_type - Optional.  This is to filter for archived events by event type if desired.   Example:  Football
  • year - Optional.  This is to filter by numerical 4-digit year if desired.  Example:  2009
  • month - Optional.  This is to filter by numerical month if desired.  Example:   11
  • day - Optional.  This is to filter by numerical day if desired.   Example:  27
  • keyword - Optional.  This is to filter for archived events by keyword string if desired.   Example:   Naperville Central
Example Response
View a live example response using the API Testing Utility.


Returns a summary of both live and archived recent events within a particular LiveID or set of LiveIDs, which is useful for content areas, tickers, etc.
  • liveid - Required.  This is the LiveID from which you are requesting the recent (both live and archived) event information.  Example:   MyLiveID1 or MyLiveID1,MyLiveID2,MyLiveID3
  • max - Optional.  This is the number of events which you would like returned.  If not utilized, list will default to a maximum of 100.   Example:   25
Example Response
View a live example response using the API Testing Utility.


Returns all information available for a particular schedule entry.  Detailed information includes time, date, description, and more.
  • liveid - Required.  This is the LiveID of the schedule you are accessing.  Example:   MyLiveID1
  • scheduleid - Required.  This is the ID # of the schedule entry you are obtaining detailed information on.   Example:   1234
Example Response
View a live example response using the API Testing Utility.


Returns a simple summary of scheduled events for a particular LiveID or set of LiveIDs, which you can then sort by date, event type, and other parameters.
  • liveid - Required.  This is the LiveID from which you are obtaining schedule information.  Example:   MyLiveID1 or MyLiveID1,MyLiveID2,MyLiveID3
  • greater_than_date - Optional but highly recommended.  This is to filter for scheduled events that are greater than a certain date, which is the lower minimum of search range in mm/dd/yyyy format.  Example:   7/21/2009
  • less_than_date - Optional but highly recommended.   This is to filter for scheduled events that are less than a certain date, which represents the upper max of search range in mm/dd/yyyy format.  Example:  12/14/2009
  • page_number - Optional.  Implements optional paging mechanism for returned results, and this specifies the desired page number of results being displayed.  If implemented, must be used with the records_per_page parameter.   Example:   2
  • records_per_page - Optional.  Displays the number of results returned per page, if implemented.  Must be used in conjunction with page_number parameter.   Example:  25
  • event_type - Optional.  This is to filter for scheduled events of a certain event type.   Example:   Basketball
  • event_name - Optional.  This is to filter by keyword in the event name.   Example:  Naperville
  • sort_order - Optional.  This is to sort the list either forward or in reverse.  ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) only.   Example:  ASC
Example Response
View a live example response using the API Testing Utility.


Use schedule.quicksummary above whenever possible because this method, schedule.fullsummary, often returns more data than is used.  Returns a full detailed summary of scheduled events for a particular LiveID or set of LiveIDs, which you can then sort by date, event type, and other parameters.
  • liveid - Required.  This is the LiveID from which you are obtaining schedule information.  Example:   MyLiveID1 or MyLiveID1,MyLiveID2,MyLiveID3
  • greater_than_date - Optional but highly recommended.  This is to filter for scheduled events that are greater than a certain date, which is the lower minimum of search range in mm/dd/yyyy format.  Example:   7/21/2009
  • less_than_date - Optional but highly recommended.   This is to filter for scheduled events that are less than a certain date, which represents the upper max of search range in mm/dd/yyyy format.  Example:  12/14/2009
  • page_number - Optional.  Implements optional paging mechanism for returned results, and this specifies the desired page number of results being displayed.  If implemented, must be used with the records_per_page parameter.   Example:   2
  • records_per_page - Optional.  Displays the number of results returned per page, if implemented.  Must be used in conjunction with page_number parameter.   Example:  25
  • event_type - Optional.  This is to filter for scheduled events of a certain event type.   Example:   Basketball
  • event_name - Optional.  This is to filter by keyword in the event name.   Example:  Naperville
  • sort_order - Optional.  This is to sort the list either forward or in reverse.  ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) only.   Example:  DESC
Example Response
View a live example response using the API Testing Utility.


Returns a set of the latest news headlines from a particular LiveID or set of LiveIDs with relevant accompanying information including title, author, date, story ID number, and more.
  • liveid - Required.  This is the LiveID from which you are requesting the news headlines.  Example:   MyLiveID1 or MyLiveID1,MyLiveID2,MyLiveID3
  • max - Optional.  This is the maximum number of news items which you would like returned.  If not utilized, list will default to a maximum of 25.   Example:   10
Example Response
View a live example response using the API Testing Utility.


Returns all available information on a particular news article including title, author, date, photo URL, story ID number, and more.
  • liveid - Required.  This is the LiveID from which you are requesting the full article details.  Example:   MyLiveID1
  • newsid - Required.  This is the ID number of the news article that you are requesting detailed information about.   Example:   1234
Example Response
View a live example response using the API Testing Utility.


Returns a list of galleries from a LiveID or set of LiveIDs, each with a set of photos, URLs, and event names, for displaying photo gallery previews.   Launch any gallery given below to [ the gallery ID here ] in a 790 x 580 window or larger.
  • liveid - Required.  This is the LiveID from which you are requesting photo information.  Example:   MyLiveID1 or MyLiveID1,MyLiveID2,MyLiveID3
  • max_galleries - Optional, but highly recommended.   This is the maximum number of total galleries to return.  If not utilized, defaults to 50.   Example:   30
  • max_photos - Optional, but highly recommended.  This is the maximum number of total photos to return for each gallery.   If not utilized, defaults to 7.   Example:  5
Example Response
View a live example response using the API Testing Utility.
Returns raw data from custom pages created by a LiveID, including HTML and other code.
  • liveid - Required.  This is the LiveID which created the custom page you are requesting.  Example:   MyLiveID1
  • pageid - Required.  This is the ID number of the custom page data you are requesting.  Example:  1529
Example Response
View a live example response using the API Testing Utility.


Returns a list of active polls for a particular LiveID or set of LiveIDs, including poll name, current results, voting options, and more.
  • liveid - Required.  This is the LiveID from which you are requesting a list of polls.  Example:   MyLiveID1 or MyLiveID1,MyLiveID2,MyLiveID3
Example Response
View a live example response using the API Testing Utility.


Returns a list of the latest highlights from a particular LiveID or set of LiveIDs, with relevant accompanying information including title, description, and upload date.
  • liveid - Required.  This is the LiveID from which you are requesting the news headlines.  Example:   MyLiveID1 or MyLiveID1,MyLiveID2,MyLiveID3
  • max - Optional.  This is the maximum number of highlights which you would like returned.  If not utilized, list will default to a maximum of 25.   Example:   10
Example Response
View a live example response using the API Testing Utility.

Additional Content

Event Link (Shortened Format)

Share a broadcast through social media or anywhere else, using our shortened URL format. Once an event is generated, the link remains the same through its entire lifecycle, whether the event is scheduled, live, or archived.[EventID number] such as

Current Live Broadcast Link

Launch the latest live event for a channel, without specifically knowing the event type or EventID number.[Your LiveID Here] such as

Channel Home Page Link

Link directly to a channel home page, the starting point for accessing all of a channel's content.[Your LiveID Here] such as

RSS News Feeds

By simply adding a news feed URL to a news aggregator (or easy utilities already in most browsers), readers are automatically notified whenever news changes or new stories are posted.

RSS feeds are automatically generated for every LiveID whenever they publish news. Use this URL with a LiveID:[Your LiveID In Lowercase Here].xml such as

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